Technology continues to transform our lives in unimaginable ways, and like it or not, that’s just the way it will remain. Think about it the advancements that have been made in computing power, wireless Internet, and even the creation of social media sites. Technology will continue to move at lightning speed, reaching levels over the next couple decades that, in many ways, will be hard to fathom now.

Here are 8 tech innovations that will be powering the future:

1. The Internet

More than 12 billion devices are connected to the Internet, and that number could surge to 30 billion by 2020, according to Goldman Sachs Research. Sure, smart home devices are cool but imagine the possibilities when Internet speed improves, and virtually anything can be connected to it.

2. Artificial Intelligence

Humans are teaching computers to think like them, minus the mistakes. Many experts, including theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, believe there will be dangerous outcomes if these machines are too empowered.

3. Autonomous Cars

Sure, autonomous cars will provide convenience and added safety for commuters. But they also will redefine the needs of industries related to human drivers, such as cab services, trucking/delivery, auto insurance, and even police services.

4. Robots

Robots will play an enormous role in efficiencies of products, logistics, etc, but they will also send many people to the welfare line. The World Economic Forum (WEF) estimated that up to 5.1 million jobs could be lost over the next five years due to automation. Countries like India are pushing to save jobs by blocking the development of self-driving vehicles.

5. 3D Printing

The applications for 3D printing are expanding fast. Soon, this technology will revolutionize industries such as home building and health care. Think about 3D printing human organs on a large scale. That’s huge.

6. Big Data

Virtually everything we do electronically is collected. In the next several years, imagine how big data can help reduce inefficiencies in healthcare systems and make medicine more personalized—and that’s just one example.

7. Personal Assistants

In the convergence of robots and Al, the use of personal/virtual assistants will continue, and their cloud-based capabilities and applications will expand deeper into our everyday lives. Why manage your fitness, schedule meetings or even monitor home security yourself anymore?

8. Sensors Everywhere

Within the next decade, more than a trillion sensors will be connected to the Internet, the WEF predicts. Embedded in common tools such as smartphones, they will simplify complicated tasks such as diagnosing diseases where technology and healthcare have been scarce.